CCLC staff will do everything we can to respect your privacy.

CCLC will respect your privacy by not holding any personal information that is not strictly necessary for the provision of our services. We will hold any personal data we do need to collect securely, and for no longer than necessary.

For more information on what information we hold, how long we keep it, and how we use it, please choose one of the options below.

Accessing your information

You have a right of access under data protection legislation to the personal data that we hold about you. You also have a right to ask that we erase data that we hold about you. If you want to make either of these requests, please get in touch with your normal point of contact at CCLC (for example your caseworker) in the first instance.

If you are unhappy about how we have used your information, you can make a complaint by requesting a copy of CCLC’s complaints policy. You can also get assistance from or complain to the Information Commissioner. You can contact their office by calling 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545745 (national rate), or go online to, or write to them at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

To read the terms of use for the CCLC website, please click here.

